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spooooooky bucket list!

FAVORITE.TIME.OF.THE.YEAR! No, not Halloween specifically or even (the newly branded) spooky season. IT'S FALL Y'ALL! And what better time to bring back bucket list posts. I hope you enjoy this one. I tried to make it COVID-protocol friendly and kid-centered. Enjoy.

Make and send festive cards

Especially now that we are a little more distant from our friends and family, sending cards and letters in the mail is the perfect way to be festive. Whether you are making your cards and envelopes from scratch, or finding the perfect card, sending a spooky note to someone is a great way to show you are thinking of them. Everyone loves getting a surprise in the mail!

Visit a pumpkin patch or farm

We live is beautiful, sunny SoCal! Get out there and go explore one of the amazing farms, pumpkin instilations or botanical gardens in our area. I highly recommend Descano Gardens. If you can, go all out and get yourself a family membership. Right now, they have some awesome pumpkin and nature art and are encouraging folks to come dressed in their favorite halloween costumes. Which brings me to my next item...

Get your costume ready

So you may have heard that trick-o-treating is up in the air... While I can't speak on that, I can say that there are pleanty of other places to show off your costume creation. Whether it be at a place like Descanso Gardens, or at Tumbleweed (if you are registered for our fall camp), the festivities go on! If there isn't something in your area that you can find, think about coordinating a costume sidewalk party in your neighborhood - you can even coordinate your front lawn decorations to match your costume.

Decorate your home

While outside decorations are cool, most of us are hanging out in our homes more and more. So why not transform your home into your own spooky wonderland? You can even plan a haunted walkthrough one night, where each member of the family decorates a different part of the house to show off. Prizes for best decorations are always a plus.

Carve and decorate pumpkins

As much as I like a jack-o-lantern, I think it would melt in this heat. There are two options here for this hot Halloween mess - decorate the outside of the pumpkin with paint (acrylyc works best), glitter, googly eyes, even glow in the dark crafts OR you can carve/decorate a fake pumpkin. Yes, I said it - get yourself a fake pumpkin that will last forever! You never need to worry about mold or wierd jack-o-lantern face melting... Craft stores like Michael's have lots of options for all the supplies above.

pumpkin bakinG

Nothing beats yummy fall flavors. Take a look at the New York Times Cooking app for some pumpkin-flavored recipes. You can make everything from muffins to buscuits, scones or even ice cream! Plus, it's going to make your house smell AMAZING... If baking isn't for you but you still want to relax on the couch smelling home baked cookies, then the next item is for you!

search for the perfect fall candle

Whether it be a classic Yankee Candle or the smell of roasted chestnuts from William Sonoma, having the perfect Fall scent really sets the mood. And as much as I enjoy a classic candle, I love supporting local businesses even more. Check out RX Candles and their House of Hansel scent or South Hampton for a Los Angeles based fave.

have a spooky dinner

Now that it's getting dark a little earlier, plan on having a spooky candlelit dinner. Everyone can dress up in their witchy-wear, play spooky music, and feast!

monster mash!

I love putting together a good dance playlist. Especially with two younger kids in the house, sometimes the best thing (or only thing) to do is dance. Instead of turning the TV on or staring at your phones, have a dance party. Whether you put together a monster mash playlist ahead of time, or battle for who can play the next best song, a Halloween dance party is sure to make your weeknight memorable.

Not Halloween related, but definitely an October staple in our household - it's time for Dodger baseball! Cheer on the Boys in Blue this week and hopefully through the rest of the post season as they work towards their first World Series since the 80s.

Tumbleweed Day Camp    1024 Hanley Ave Los Angeles CA 90049    (310) 472-7474
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