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why is tumbleweed the best?
why tumbleweed
We have everything you want for your child and everything your child wants this summer. We are 100% unplugged - no screens, no apps, no social media stress. Instead of wasting time on technology, we make friends, share ideas, and laugh together. We explore all day long! With 100 private acres in sunny Los Angeles, the opportunities for fun are endless. Most importantly, we play. Children learn how to be their best selves through play. Our highly trained staff create caring, safe and supportive environments for this learning to happen. Oh, and did we mention transportation is included during the summer, we have industry-leading safety protocols, AND we have popsicles every Thursdays and Fridays?
That's right! You can check off your to-do list item "figure out summer plans for kids". high-five and happy camping! You rock.
summer camp

thinking about tumbleweed for your family?
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